“Vaccinometer” discloses the number of vaccinees per municipality in the State of SP

Vacivida digital platform monitors the entire vaccination campaign against COVID-19 in 645 cities

ter, 02/02/2021 - 19h42 | Do Portal do Governo

The “Vaccinometer”, a digital tool developed by the São Paulo State Secretariat of Communication in partnership with Prodesp, started to disclose the number of vaccines applied against the new coronavirus in the cities of the State.

Through the electronic address https://vacinaja.sp.gov.br/vacinometro/ it is possible to verify the official number of immunized in the municipalities by the PEI (State Immunization Plan). The tool is directly fed with information from “Vacivida”, an integrated digital platform that monitors the entire vaccination campaign against the new coronavirus.

The information available by municipality is preliminary and is subject to change, since the bases are constantly being evaluated and consolidated.

Developed by Prodesp, a technology company from the Government of São Paulo, the system is integrated with the Poupatempo Digital application and can also supply the Ministry of Health’s database.

Until 17:30 this Tuesday (2), the “Vaccinometer” already indicated 504 thousand people immunized throughout the state. To ensure even more transparency to the immunization process, posts in the official profiles of the State of São Paulo Government will also reflect, daily, the number of vaccinated people in the state based on updated data from the “Vaccinometer”.


Vacivida offers pre-registration for anyone able to participate in the immunization campaign against the coronavirus in São Paulo. The platform digitally records the vaccination and sends a reminder to apply the second dose. The system also notifies Epidemiological Surveillance of possible individual adverse events.

Each vaccinated person will receive a receipt with anti-fraud mechanism. On the back, the document will have a QR Code directed to the Poupatempo Digital application, which will give access to a digital document that certifies participation in the campaign.